Tuesday, February 1, 2011

William Howells

William Howells seemed to grow up with the perfect situation for becoming an editor and writer for many different journals in his career.  With his father being a printer William must have seen many different types of information coming through his dads shop in his teenage years.  I think that’s what started his editing in eighteen fifty eight when he was just twenty one.  I think it is neat how he helped Lincoln in his campaign and was rewarded greatly for doing that.  Howells was a big influence on other writers in his time and brought the age of realism to America.  I enjoyed reading Editha because of the different views that her husband and she had about the conflict of war.  I feel like Editha wants her husband to go to war which would make him a hero in her eyes.  In the time of this story only men fought in war, but today women are able to fight alongside men on the battle field.  Today I think it would be the total opposite as far as a women wanting her husband to go to war, this story just shows how times have changed so much.  I think if the standards were like that then Editha would have a total different opinion on wanting her husband to go to battle because he could ask her to join him in the Spanish American war.  I never have supported war and never will because it does not settle anything for the good in the end.  Too many lives are lost in war but we still are fighting to this day.  War is a subject that really bothers me because nothing ever is solved from it.  For example the United States has been fighting terrorism since September 11, 2001 and what have we accomplished since then.   

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